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(Updated: 2023/03/15)

About the journal


Basic information


Estudos Históricos is a quarterly journal in which each publication deals with a specific theme. It has been being published uninterruptedly since 1988, and the journal stands out for its interdisciplinary profile. Estudos Históricos aims to publish unpublished works, with a historical perspective, of researchers from the national and international academic community in the areas of History, Social Sciences and other related fields. The journal is classified as A1 in Qualis CAPES, in the ​​history and in the interdisciplinary areas. It is linked to the Postgraduate Program in History, Politics and Cultural Goods (PPHPBC) of CPDOC/FGV, which has a master's degree course, an academic master's and doctorate course. The journal has also been an important link in communication among postgraduate programs, particularly in the area of ​​History and Social Sciences.

In 2016, the journal Estudos Históricos was published only in electronic format. Besides in the portal SciELO Brazil, the information mentioned previously can be accessed in the Directory of Open Access Journals – DOAJ page, on FGV's Digital Library website and in CAPES journal portal.

All content of the journal are open access. The authors hold responsibility for the content of their articles. Copyright should be respected and articles should be cited in an appropriate manner. The journal Estudos Históricos works with the dynamics of sending articles to anonymous referees, a standard procedure in peer review periodicals. In addition, it values ​​ethical precepts of non-acceptance of plagiarism and self-plagiarism in the content of the articles.





Estudos Históricos has a statement of ethics for scientific publications in order to discourage improper academic behavior. All manuscripts are evaluated to avoid plagiarism, self-plagiarism and the publication of fraudulent research results. The editors evaluate the manuscripts in advance to identify the improper conduct with the use of anti-fraud software conference of previous publications of the authorship and of third parties on the same subject. When identified improper conduct, Estudos Históricos denies evaluation of the article and informs the stakeholders. At any time, if any fraudulent information, plagiarism or self-plagiarism is still identified in published manuscripts, Estudos Históricos may follow the guideline of withdrawing publication of the records, publishing the retraction and/or correcting the article, when applicable.

The abbreviated title of the journal is Estud. hist. (Rio J.). So it should be used in bibliographies, footnotes, references and bibliographic legends.

ISSN (online version): 2178-1494.









Intellectual Property


All content of the journal, except where it is identified, is under a Creative Commons license of type BY attribution.

The online journal is open access.





The journal is funded by Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV), and has been supported by Faperj and CNPq.


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Editorial Board




International Associate Editorial Board

  • Mirta Lobato
    University of Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Teresa Cruz e Silva
    Eduardo Mondlane University, Maputo, Mozambique
  • Stephen Rabe
    The University of Texas at Dallas, Dallas, The United States of America


Editorial Board

  • Angela Maria de Castro Gomes
    UNIRIO e PPHPBC/FGV, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
  • Benito Bisso Schmidt
    UFRGS, Porto Alegre, Brasil
  • Carlos Fico
    UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
  • Fernando Lattman-Weltman
    UERJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
  • Helena Maria Bomeny
    UERJ e PPHPBC/FGV, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
  • João José Reis
    UFBA, Salvador, Brasil
  • José Murilo de Carvalho
    UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
  • Lúcia Maria Lippi Oliveira
    PPHPBC/FGV, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
  • Marcelo Siqueira Ridenti
    UNICAMP, Campinas, Brasil
  • Omar Ribeiro Thomas
    UNICAMP, Campinas, Brasil
  • Ronaldo Vainfas
    UFF, Niterói, Brasil


Advisory Board

  • Eduardo França Paiva
    UFMG, Belo Horizonte, Brasil
  • Eurípedes Antônio Funes
    UFC, Fortaleza, Brasil
  • Leslie Michael Bethell
    University of Oxford, Oxford, Reino Unido
  • Licia do Prado Valladares
    Université Lille 1 – Sciences et Technologies, Lille, França
  • Maria Helena Rolim Capelato
    USP, São Paulo, Brasil
  • Mariza Gomes e Souza Peirano
    UnB, Brasília, Brasil
  • Mauricio Tenorio-Trillo
    University of Chicago, Estados Unidos
  • Patricia Maria Melo Sampaio
    UFAM, Manaus, Brasil
  • Regina Beatriz Guimarães Neto
    UFPE, Recife, Brasil
  • Renato Monseff Perissinotto
    UFPR, Curitiba, Brasil
  • Rogério Bastos Arantes
    USP, São Paulo, Brasil
  • Silvia Regina Ferraz Petersen
    UFRGS, Porto Alegre, Brasil


Editorial Production



  • Taynã Ribeiro

Editorial Assistant

  • Deivison Amaral

Spelling and grammar review

  • Algo Mais Editorial Solutions


  • Algo Mais Editorial Solutions


Instructions to authors


Scope and Policy


The journal Estudos Históricos aims to publish original works, with a historical perspective, of researchers from the national and international academic community in the areas of History, Social Sciences and similar.

The journal will only accept unpublished works of doctors and doctoral students in the form of articles and bibliographic essays. It is editors’ responsibility to evaluate the manuscripts in advance, in order to identify any improper conduct related to plagiarism, self-plagiarism, conferring previous publications of authorship and third parties on the same subject. When the improper conduct is identified, Estudos Históricos will deny the evaluation of the article, informing the decision to those involved.

All articles submitted to the Editors will be submitted to two or more referees to issue their evaluation. Secrecy will be maintained concerning the identity of both the referees and the authors. The opinions may recommend: a) full acceptance of the text; b) the complete refusal; c) acceptance with minor modifications; d) acceptance with significant modifications, and the text, in the latter two cases, is sent back to the author for the changes.

The final decision on the publication of the manuscript will always be the Editors’, who value the geographical distribution of the authors to be published. The Editors reserve the right to request also changes in the original papers. The changes concerning standardization and writing, introduced by the Editors themselves, will always aim at maintaining the homogeneity and quality of the journal, while respecting the style and opinions of the authors. The texts in English and Spanish, when accepted by the Editors, will be published in their original language and, whenever possible, will be translated into Portuguese.

Each article submitted to the journal should be accompanied by a list of up to six keywords that identify the main topics and a summary in Portuguese, with English and Spanish versions, with a maximum of 100 words, clearly stating the purposes, methods used and the main conclusions of the study.

If the article results from research sponsored by a funding agency, it should be mentioned. Information about the author (title and institutional linkage etc.) and two declarations should also be forwarded to the editors: the first, responsibility and originality, and the second, the assignment of copyright (see models below). The articles published in the journal may also be available in different media and on the Internet.

The bibliographic essays should be structured around a critical analysis of relevant national and/or international bibliography produced in the last five years and related to the specific issue of the journal number.

After the publication of an article in Estudos Históricos, the author will be subject to a two-year period without being able to submit a new article proposal. The authors who collaborate as referees may not submit an article to the same issue of the Journal to which they contributed.

The journal Estudos Históricos does not charge a submission fee.



Form and preparation of manuscripts


1. Text - The texts submitted to the Editors must be in the Portuguese, English or Spanish languages, ​​and in DOC, DOCX or RTF format (considering they do not exceed 5MB), Times New Roman 12 font, double space, page A4. In this standard, texts must have a minimum of 35 thousand characters and a maximum of 50 thousand characters (with spaces) for article, a minimum of 20 thousand characters and a maximum of 35 thousand characters (with spaces) for bibliographic essays, including titles, notes and bibliographical references and excluding abstracts. The authorship identification of the work must be removed from the file and the 'Properties' option of the Word or RTF document, thus guaranteeing the journal's discretion.
2. Bibliographic notes and references - Notes should be concise. Bibliographical references should not be made in notes, but should appear in the main body of the text. The reference should include the name of the author, followed by the date of publication of the work and the number of the page, separated by a colon.

Examples: According to Cassirer (1979: 46), the synthesis and production by knowledge...
                         The self that enunciates "I" (Benveniste, 1972: 32)...

3. Bibliographical references – The bibliographical references should constitute a single list at the end of the article, in alphabetical order. They must obey the norms of NBR 6023: 2002, according to the following models:

I) in the case of books: a) author's surname (in capital letters), followed by the name; b) title of the work (italic); c) edition number; d) place of publication; e) name of the publisher; f) date of publication.

Example: BACHELARD, Gaston. La terre et les rêveries de la volonté. Paris: Librairie José Corti, 1984.

II) In the case of an article: a) surname of the author (in capital letters), followed by the name; b) title of the article; c) name of the journal in full (italic); e) place of publication; f) volume and number of the periodical; g) date of publication.

Example: CAMARGO, Aspasia. The uses of oral history and life history: working with political elites. Data, Rio de Janeiro, vol. 27, n. 1, 1984


  • (1) Statement of ethics, responsibility and originality;
  • (2) Transfer of copyright.

1. Declaration of ethics, responsibility and originality shall be as follows:

"I certify my responsibility for the content of the text, designed by me or with my participation, and certify that I have not omitted any links or financing agreements between me and any agencies that may be interested in its publication. I also certify that the text to be submitted is original, does not contain plagiarism, self-plagiarism or publication of fraudulent search results. I further certify that the manuscript has not been and will not be sent to another journal, either in print or in the electronic format, while its publication is being considered by the journal Estudos Históricos".

2. Transfer of copyrights:

"I declare that, in case of acceptance of the article, the journal Estudos Históricos will hold the copyrights related to the text, which will become its exclusive property, any reproduction, total or partial, in any other part or means of disclosure, printed or electronic, without a prior and necessary authorization being requested to me. If obtained the authorization, I declare that I will record the competent acknowledgment to the journal".



Submission of manuscripts


The articles can only be submitted to the editor through the Electronic System of Publishing of Journals, available in the portal of the Digital Library of FGV,

All correspondence regarding the publication of articles should be sent to




Centro de Pesquisa e Documentação de História Contemporânea do Brasil da Fundação Getúlio Vargas Secretaria da Revista Estudos Históricos, Praia de Botafogo, 190, 14º andar, 22523-900 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ, Tel: (55 21) 3799-5676 / 5677 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil