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About the journal


Basic information


Pesquisa Operacional began to be published in 1981. It is published by the Brazilian Operations Research Society (SOBRAPO).

The aim of Pesquisa Operacional is to publish papers produced by the Operations Research (OR) scientific community in order to promote its integration and to disseminate the scientific knowledge generated within it.

The abbreviated title of the journal is Pesq. Oper., which should be used in bibliographies, footnotes and bibliographical references and strips.



Information sources


The journal is indexed by:

  • Cabell’s directories
  • IAOR (International Abstracts in Operations Research)


Intellectual property


All content of the journal, except where identified, is licensed under a Creative Commons attribution-type BY.





The journal receives financial support from the:

Programa de Apoio à Editoração e Publicação de Periódicos Científicos Brasileiros of the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq), Ministério da Ciência e Tecnologia (MCT) and Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES), Ministério da Educação (MEC).



Editorial Board





Associated editors





Editorial Board




Instructions to authors


Editorial policy


The aim of Pesquisa Operacional is to publish papers produced by the Operations Research (OR) scientific community in order to promote its integration and to disseminate the scientific knowledge generated within it.

Pesquisa Operacional publishes theoretical and applied papers of any OR sub-areas, as well as surveys on topics of interest and papers on the history or methodology of OR. Submitted papers must be written in English, must be original, and must not have been accepted for publication (or published) by a refereed journal, nor be in the process of evaluation for publication by any other periodical. In addition to originality and relevance, it will be taken into account the quality of presentation (clarity, style and organization of the text) and the adequacy of the text to the interests of the readers of the journal. Submitted papers will be evaluated by at least two referees using a blind review system and the final decision will be communicated to the corresponding author by the Editor-in-Chief.

Submission of an article implies that its publication is approved by all authors and, if that is the case, by the responsible authorities where the work was carried out. When submitting a manuscript the author(s) will be implicitly giving their rights to the Brazilian Operations Research Society (SOBRAPO) and saying that third parties rights are not being violated. The authors, however, remain responsible for the content of their articles. Although the information contained in this journal is believed to be true and accurate on the date of its printing, the editors and SOBRAPO do not accept any legal responsibility for errors or omissions that may have occurred or that may be identified.

There is no fee for submission and review articles.



Statement of Publication Ethics



- Plagiarism. The authors warrant, when submitting an article, that it does not infringe copyright or any other third-party rights. They must declare that the articles submitted are of their own making and that any third-party material that may use is legitimately referenced and authorized. They must appropriately list and cite, in accordance with the Instructions for Authors, the works that served as the basis for the development of their research. They must declare that the articles submitted for evaluation and their essential content are unpublished and are not in the process of being evaluated by another journal. Pesquisa Operational applies a plagiarism detector software to verify the originality of the submitted manuscripts.

- Data availability. Authors assume full responsibility for the articles content. They must ensure that all the results presented in the article are authentic. They must inform whether all the data investigated or used are provided in the article and, if not, where they can be found.

- Authorship. All authors included in the article should have contributed significantly to the elaboration of the paper, and authors should not be included after acceptance of the article. All authors must provide, when necessary, corrections or retractions of errors made.

- Funding. The authors should provide information on the sources of research funding at the end of the article.


- Editorial standards. The editors of Pesquisa Operacional commit to ensuring the quality of the published material, defending freedom of speech and preventing business needs to compromise intellectual standards.

- Reviewers choice. The editors will seek reviewers who do not belong to the same institution as the authors of the article. The editors must preserve the anonymity of the reviewers.

- Conflicts of interest. The editors and the reviewers must declare potential conflicts of interest (personal, financial, intellectual, professional, political or religious).

- Confidentiality. The editors and the reviewers may not use or appropriate any knowledge acquired or result obtained during the article evaluation process. They must not reveal any details of the revision of a manuscript during or after the evaluation process.

- Corrections. The editors must publish corrections, clarifications, retractions, and apologies when they find any mistake in the publication. If there is proof of a fraudulent item after proper investigation, it must be retracted. The retraction must be clearly identifiable to readers and indexing systems.



Form and preparation of manuscripts


Authors willing to submit their papers for publication in Pesquisa Operacional must use the online submission system of SciELO. The paper should be accompanied by a letter of submission by the author(s). In this letter, the corresponding author must include his (her) mailing address, phone and fax numbers, and e-mail address. The specifications indicated below must be rigorously observed. Noncompliance with the specifications may cause considerable delays in the processing of the paper.

Content, Text Organization and Format

The paper must be typed in LaTeX or Word for Windows (font Times New Roman, single spacing). Margin specifications are as follows: upper: 33 millimeters, lower: 25 millimeters, left and right: 29 millimeters, gutter: 3 millimeters, header: 21 millimeters, footer: none, mirrored margins. In case there are references in the text, they should be made to sections and not to page numbers. Size and option for characters are as follows: article title: 12 uppercase bold, author(s): 12 bold uppercase / lowercase, origin: 11 normal uppercase lowercase, abstract and keyword titles: 11 bold uppercase / lowercase, keywords: 11 normal, abstract texts: 10normal, article text: 11 bold (titles); 11 normal (text).

Pesquisa Operacional provides for authors a LaTeX template to prepare their articles, which is available for downloading at the link:

In the first page, only the paper title, name(s) and affiliation(s) of the author(s), abstracts and keywords are contained. The title must be centered and placed below the first third of the useful page height. This must be followed by two single spaces and the name of each author (without titles or positions), followed, in the next line, by the name of his (her) institution, all left-justified but on the right half of the page. After two single spaces follows the abstract. The abstract must contain no more than 150 words, which is the limit for publication in IFORS' IAOR. After the abstract three keywords must be provided.

The paper must begin with an introduction. Footnotes are not permitted. Acknowledgements must not exceed 5 lines and must be placed after the main text, before the references.

Graphical objects should be incorporated into the text by the text editor. Objects made with several elements should be grouped. Use of shadowing is not recommended. Color printing is not supported.

Mathematical expressions must be numbered consecutively.

References must be ordered in alphabetical order of the first author's last name. The citation in the text must contain name(s) and year of publication, abbreviated or not. Example: [MPL03], or Maculan, Plateau & Lisser (2003), or Maculan et al. (2003). The following models must be used for contributed chapters in edited books, papers published in periodicals and internal reports or theses, respectively:

[1] Bechara JJB & Galvão RD. 1987. The use of interactive computing for vehicle routeing. In: Recent Advances in System Modelling and Optimization [edited by L. Contesse, R. Correa and A. Weintraub], Springer Verlag, 22–32.

[2] Kleinrock L. 1975. Queueing Systems. Vol. 1: Theory. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

[3] Maculan N, Plateau G & Lisser A. 2003. Integer linear models with a polynomial number of variables and constraints for some classical combinatorial optimization problems. Pesquisa Operacional, 23(1):161-168.

[4] Yanasse HH. 1997. An exact algorithm for the tree case of the minimization of open orders problem. Technical Report LAC-001/97, INPE, São José dos Campos, SP, Brazil.

Sociedade Brasileira de Pesquisa Operacional Rua Mayrink Veiga, 32 - sala 601 - Centro, 20090-050 Rio de Janeiro RJ - Brasil, Tel.: +55 21 2263-0499, Fax: +55 21 2263-0501 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil