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(Updated: 2023/05/04)

About the journal




Sociologias’ mission is to foster international sociological debate and new analytical approaches to key social topics by publishing high quality, relevant and innovative sociological scholarship that combines analytical theory and rigorous empirical analysis.

The journal welcomes original manuscripts, in the form of theoretical or empirical research papers, research notes and essays that contribute to advance the body of knowledge of Sociology or present innovative empirical contributions to the discipline.



Basic Information


Sociologias is edited by the Graduate Program of Sociology (PPGS) at the Institute of Philosophy and Human Sciences (IFCH) of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). It has been publishing high quality sociological scholarship for 24 years. Sociologias is continuously open to new submissions and publishes articles on a rolling system, comprising annual issues. 

A leading Brazilian journal in the field of Social Sciences, Sociologias publishes manuscripts that are distinguished for their academic excellence and potential to raise scholarly debate around current and relevant social issues.

Sociologias adopts a pluralistic perspective, seeking to make room for expression of the different strands of thought existing in the social sciences and to promote debate on themes and approaches that constitute the academic field of Sociology. It also welcomes contributions from other areas of knowledge that seriously engage the sociological literature to forge new ways of understanding the social.

In a world increasingly interconnected by new informational and communication technologies, Sociologias emerged from the perception of the growing relevance of means to disseminate the scholarly knowledge both for circulating ideas and research findings within the scientific community and for informing the society, by establishing communication channels. It was created in 1999 with a new editorial project to continue and improve Cadernos de Sociologia that for 10 years then had been the vehicle for disseminating the work of professors and researchers in the area at UFRGS.

Its editorial project comprises thematic dossiers resulting from annual call for papers on proposed themes and a varied section that includes papers reporting empirical research, papers presenting new theoretical-methodological approaches, essays, critical book reviews, research notes, and interviews.

Sociologias is open to contributors from all countries and its Editorial Board includes scholars from diverse countries and diverse Brazilian regions.

The journal was published biannually until 2009 and had print and electronic versions until 2019, starting, from then on, to be published only online.

Sociologias is a signatory to DORA (San Francisco Declaration on Research Evaluation).

The abbreviation of its title is Sociologias, which should be used in bibliographies, footnotes and in bibliographic references.

The journal does not charge fees for submission or processing of manuscripts.

Sociologias uses the LOCKSS system (Rede Cariniana) to create an archive system distributed among participating libraries and allows them to create permanent archives of the journal for preservation and restoration.

Open Access Policy

Sociologias offers immediate free access to its content, following the principle that making scientific knowledge available to the public free of charge provides a broad worldwide democratization of knowledge.




Sociologias holds profiles at the following social networks, aiming at disseminating its published articles:




Abstracting & Indexing



Articles published in Sociologias are indexed or have abstracts in the following databases:

  • CAB Abstracts
  • CLASE - Citas Latinoamericanas en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades
  • DOAJ - Directory of Open Access Journals
  • SocINDEX with Full Text – EBSCO
  • EuroPub
  • IBZ online. Internationale Bibliographie der geistes- und sozialwissenschaftlichen Zeitschriftenliteratur
  • IRESIE. Base de datos sobre Educación - IISUE, UNAM
  • LAPTOC - Latin American Periodicals Tables of Contents
  • Latindex (Directorio)
  • MIAR. Matriz de Información para el Análisis de Revistas
  • Periódicos CAPES
  • Oasisbr - IBICIT
  • Political Science Complete – EBSCOHOST
  • Redalyc - Red de Revistas Científicas de América Latina, el Caribe, España y Portugal
  • Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de CLACSO
  • Redib. Red Iberoamericana de Innovación y conocimiento científico
  • SciELO Brasil
  • SciELO – Scientific Electronic Library Online
  • Scopus
  • Sociological Abstracts - Proquest


CiteScore (Scopus) 2021
33rd percentile

SJR (SCImago) 2021
0.17 Q3
SNIP 2021

Google Scholar
  All Since 2017
Citations 12437 6865
H index 59 41
i10 index 218 163
 h5M5 (2021): 15 - h5median 28




Authors who publish in this journal agree to the following terms:

Authors retain copyright and grant the journal the right of first publication, with the work simultaneously licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution BY License that allows sharing of the work with acknowledgment of authorship and of first publication in this journal.





Sociologias receives financial and material support from:

  • Programa de Pós-Graduação em Sociologia, IFCH-Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
  • Pró-Reitoria de Pesquisa (ProPesq)- UFRGS
  • Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
  • Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (Capes)



Editorial Board





Deputy Editor-in-Chief



Editor Emeritus




Associate Editors



Managing Editor



Editorial Board


The editorial board meets every two months to evaluate the journal's performance, advise the editor-in-chief and the deputy editor-in chief and propose editorial policies, with the participation of the editors, associate editors, editorial advisor and PPGS coordinator.

International Advisory Board


Assistente de Divulgação e Redes Sociais

  • Weslley Moraes


International Advisory Board

  • Sergio Costa, Universidade Livre de Berlim, Alemanha
  • Margaret Abraham, Hofstra University, Estados Unidos da América
  • Luis Armando Suárez Salazar, Instituto Superior de Relaciones Internacionales, Cub
  • Jean-Louis Laville, Conservatoire national des arts et métiers - CNAM, França
  • Li Peilin, Academia Chinesa de Ciências Sociais, China
  • Arnaud Sales, Universidade de Montréal, Canadá
  • Alberto Riella, Universidad de la República, Uruguai
  • Alicia Itati Palermo, Universidad Nacional de Luján, Argentina
  • Carlos Benedito Martins, Universidade de Brasília, Brasil
  • César Barreira, Universidade Federal do Ceará, Brasil
  • Darío Salinas, Universidad Iboamericana, México
  • Elisa Reis, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
  • Fernanda Sobral, Universidade de Brasília, Brasil
  • Ilse Scherer Warren, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brasil
  • Julio Mejía Navarrete, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Peru
  • Maria de Nazareth Wanderley,Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brasil
  • Maria Lucia Maciel,Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
  • Paulo Henrique Martins, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brasil
  • Pedro Hespanha, Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal



Instructions to authors


Scope and policy


Sociologias adopts a pluralistic perspective, seeking to make room for expression of the different strands of thought existing in the social sciences and to promote debate on themes and approaches that constitute the academic field of Sociology. It also welcomes contributions from other areas of knowledge that seriously engage the sociological literature to forge new ways of understanding the social.

Sociologias welcomes high-quality original manuscripts in the form of articles, reviews and research notes in the social sciences, and which present innovative and relevant contributions to advance knowledge in their areas and demonstrate good writing skills, as well as theoretical and methodological consistency in their construction. Manuscripts available only in proceedings of scientific events and in preprint repositories are welcome.

Contributions can be submitted in Portuguese, Spanish, French or English.

Articles submitted in English or French, once approved following peer-review, must be translated into Portuguese and will be published in the two languages, with authors being responsible for covering translation costs. Translators can be freely chosen by the authors or suggested by the journal. Translations that do not conform to the journal’s quality criteria will be revised by translators/reviewers registered in Sociologias and revision costs should be covered by the author(s).

Submitted manuscripts must be exclusively destined to Sociologias, that is, they cannot be submitted simultaneously to or be under evaluation in other journal(s) and must remain so until the end of the evaluation process.

Sociologias also does not accept more than one submission by the same author, even if in co-authorship. A new submission of an article by a same author while a previous one is still under will be deemed as simultaneous.

Considering the high number of submissions to Sociologias and the very small percentage of these that are published, editors suggest that authors who had a paper published in the journal refrain from a new submission during the next two years.

The journal assumes no responsibility for analyzes and considerations issued by the authors.

Sociologies does not charge processing or article submission fees.


Manuscripts evaluation

Sociologias welcomes original and unpublished works (not published in other journals or as book chapters) in the form of articles, research notes and reviews in the social sciences that present academic and social relevance and high quality in terms of theoretical and methodological consistency.

Manuscripts published in proceedings of scientific events or preprint repositories are considered unpublished.

Only submissions strictly compliant with Submission Guidelines and to the scope of Sociologias will be referred to peer review.

Authors of the submitted manuscript must include at least one person with a doctorate degree. Sociologias admit manuscripts co-authored by up to four authors. The first author must hold at least a master’s title. In the case of reviews, authors must hold at least a master’s title.

Manuscripts with collective authorship must be accompanied by a cover letter detailing the participation of each author in the production of the manuscript.

The evaluation process is carried out in three eliminatory stages.

First stage: compliance with the journal’s guidelines

Within 5 to 10 days of submission, an evaluation of the submitted manuscript is carried out regarding the formal aspects as to completeness of authorship data (authors’ name, academic degree, institutional affiliation and ORCID) and compliance with the Submission Guidelines. In case of noncompliance, the journal will inform authors, allowing five days to revise the submission. After this period, if the demand is not met, the submission will be archived.

Authors are entirely responsible for the content of their manuscripts and for ensuring that their contributions are original and unpublished. When submitting manuscripts, authors declare that they have full copyright over the production, that it does not contain any type of plagiarism and that all sources of their citations are referenced.

Second stage: editorial review

Manuscripts that comply with the Submission Guidelines undergo a second evaluation step carried out by the editors, to check their adequacy regarding the journal’s policies and scope. In case of not meeting the criteria defined in the editorial policy, Sociologias will decline the submission and send authors the editors' decision letter pointing out the reasons of rejecting. This step can take up to 60 days.

Third stage: double-blind peer review

Manuscripts that comply with the editorial policy will be submitted to double-blind peer review by at least two ad hoc referees with relevant experience in the pertinent ​​knowledge area. In case of divergent opinions, a third review will be requested.

Peer review will consider the following criteria: (i) clear and concise writing, (ii) quality and consistency of the arguments, (iii) validity of the data presented, (iv) opportunity and relevance of the theme for the pertinent area of ​​research and (v) topicality and adequacy of the bibliographic references.

Following peer reviewers’ recommendations, the editor, supported by the editorial team, will make a decision on the submission, which may be rejection, required revisions, submission to a new round of evaluations or acceptance. This stage may take up to four months.

Approved manuscripts will undergo editorial review and will be returned to authors for acceptance of possible suggestions for revising. Once approved (or modified) by the authors, the final version will proceed to layout and final composition, and additions or modifications will no longer be admitted, except in exceptional cases. The editors reserve the right to suggest changes or cuts in the manuscripts received, in order to adapt them to the journal's rules. Accepted articles that remain available on preprint repositories should provide there the link to the version published in Sociologias.


The submission of manuscripts to peer review implies a commitment by authors to respond as satisfactorily as possible to reviewers recommendations. The journal appreciates the effort of the academic community to contribute their work to improve the quality of scientific scholarship in the social sciences in Brazil. For this reason, Sociologias does not welcome manuscripts that have received a negative review in another journal, without the authors having made an effort to respond to the recommendations of the reviews. For the same reason, the journal may reject articles whose formulation disregards the referees' suggestions without a reasonable justification



Best practices


Sociologias adopts the principles of best scientific publishing practices, expressed in the Codes of Ethics of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development and the Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo.

All submitted manuscripts will be checked for plagiarism and self-plagiarism. If plagiarism is identified, the manuscript will be rejected, and authors will be informed by letter from the editor.

Sociologias encourages authors who publish in the journal to disclose the methodological procedures adopted in empirical, quantitative or qualitative research, considering that disclosing the stages of construction and analysis of data and observations contributes to advance scientific knowledge by providing methodological research tools, data, documents and sources for new studies, also serving as a basis for teaching and training in research.



Submission guidelines


Before submitting a manuscript, authors must ensure full compliance to guidelines, including exclusion of any element that prevent double blind review, such as self-references, acknowledgment and identification in the file properties. Authors must also ensure that the manuscript has undergone a careful grammatical review. Manuscripts with poor writing will be refused without further evaluation.

Manuscript submissions, to qualify for editorial and peer review, must meet the criteria detailed below.

For submissions to the Articles, Interfaces and Interviews sections, at least one author must hold a doctorate degree, and in case of co-authorship the first author must hold at least a master’s degree. Manuscripts with a maximum of four authors are accepted.

For submissions to the Book Reviews section, authors must hold at least a master's degree.


Form of submission and manuscript preparation

Submissions for publication in Sociologias must be made exclusively through the journal's page on the Seer/UFRGS platform:

For submitting manuscripts to any section of the journal, authors must access Sociologias website  with  login and password or, if they do not yet have one, complete registration, including registration with ORCID and data on academic degree and institution of affiliation. Then start the five-step submission process as guided on the platform.

The manuscript must be submitted in an editable file, it must contain title and abstract (up to 250 words) in Portuguese and English, with up to five (5) keywords that allow adequate indexing of the article and a list of references organized according to APA standards. Submissions with references in footnotes will be declined.

A supplementary file to the manuscript must be submitted, containing the title of the manuscript and authorship data including NAME, ACADEMIC DEGREE, INSTITUTION OF AFFILIATION, ORCID, and E-MAIL.

To ensure anonymity in the evaluation, the manuscript must not contain any identification of authorship (self-references, acknowledgments, or name in the properties of the submitted file). Self-references in the text should be replaced by the word “Author” followed by the year of the reference (eg Author, 2020) and completely excluded from the list of references.


Text structure

The abstract must, necessarily, clearly expose the studied issue, the objectives of the research, applied methods used and results or conclusions.

Manuscripts submitted to the Articles, Interfaces and Interviews sections must count at most 8,000 words, including abstract and list of references.

Manuscripts submitted to the Book Reviews section must count at most 4,500 words, including abstract and list of references. This section accepts book reviews, in Portuguese or Spanish, of works recently published in Brazil (two years ago or less), as well as reviews of books published in foreign languages that still have no translation to Portuguese. Reviewed books must have approaches that are relevant to the social sciences.

For all sections, the submitted manuscript must be presented in its final version without highlights or revision marks, be clearly, concisely and correctly written and use inclusive language. Footnotes should be limited to an essential minimum. Annexes and appendices will not be accepted unless they are essential for understanding the core text.

Titles of sections and subsections must be limited and be numbered, making their hierarchy clear.

Drawings, graphs, maps, tables, charts and photographs must be numbered, have a title and source and be included at the end of the document, with a clear indication throughout the text of the place where they must be inserted. In addition, they must be included as supplementary documents in the original format in which they were created (Excel, Power Point etc.).

Citations throughout the text should follow the author-date system. The list of references must be arranged in alphabetical order by the surname of the main author and follow APA standard. In the list, use authors full names (not only name initials). The list should contain only the references cited in the text.

Short literal citations (less than three lines) will be integrated into the paragraph, enclosed in quotation marks and followed by the referred author’s surname, year of publication and page(s) of the cited text. Quotations of more than three lines shall be separated in a new paragraph indented on left.




Manuscript submissions

  Authors must login with their user and password or register on the journal page and start the five-step process for submission, following the instructions.  



Programa de Pós-Graduação em Sociologia - UFRGS Av. Bento Gonçalves, 9500 Prédio 43111 sala 103 , 91509-900 Porto Alegre RS Brasil , Tel.: +55 51 3316-6635 / 3308-7008, Fax.: +55 51 3316-6637 - Porto Alegre - RS - Brazil